Thursday, November 27, 2008

A string thing!

Hi! There are several reasons why I didn't do my regular (attempted regularity actually!) Sunday post! One, I totally and completely forgot because I was totally wired up about the Twilight movie (you have permission to groan if you don't like the book) and I was running late for Spanish class! Two, by the time I came back from home I was way to lazy and I was still in a state of forgetfulness (if that's right and you get what I mean)! Three, I had NOTHING to write about! Zilch! A whole week had passed and I couldn't find anything to write about and I certainly didn't want to write something as pathetic as my last post! 

So, Today, I make up for missing out last Sunday's post! 

I've been feeling really restless the past few days because I just can't get down to studying for my Semester exams! So I decided to vent by writing in an old unused diary of mine. I opened the book and saw that the last entry I'd made was 2 years ago! How much I had changed since then! I almost laughed at my own naivety, how stupid was I! I briefly went through the entry and began to write what I wanted to today and I realised that there were a lot of similarities! Then I was upset about leaving my old school and joining a new school. Now, I was upset about being in such a boring college. Then, I just wanted to cry. Now, I wanted to cry and tear my hair out! 

It struck me that I'm pretty much the same person as 2 years ago! Yes, I'm smarter about so many things and older! But still the same in many ways! It's like my life is like a string and each year you add another thread to it, or at each life changing moment you add another thread, you learn from your mistakes, you become street smart and less naive, you become stronger and tougher (just like a thread with more strings intertwined in it!).

I don't know! You might think I'm crazy, but it seemed like a pretty neat idea when I thought of it and I just wanted to share it with you!


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