Sunday, November 16, 2008

Being able to see the future.

So today while I was waiting to be picked up from Spanish class I had this idea - what if you could be able to see all the consequences of something you do, before you do it but just after you make the decision to do it. For example, you want to do drugs (morbid example I know... but I couldn't think of another) and you see how drugs would effect your life before you actually do drugs! Make sense?! I really can't explain it... but it's great if you caught on to what I was trying to say!
The point I was trying to make was that, if you could infact see how your actions would effect the rest of your life wouldn't it make life way easier? 

I think so. People would be way happier because they would know where their lives are heading according to the decisions they make. It's evident I'm not one for mystery and suspense.

I think the best way I can explain this is with an example from my life. I'm a law student in my first year. But I didn't get into the university I wanted to go to and, well I've been vacillating between highs and lows ever since I found out I wouldn't be going to university of my choice. Now, I chose to do law in the 8th grade, if I had been able to see how things would pan out, I guess I wouldn't be on the brink of depression all the time. It would be better for me and for everyone around me! 

Though I like the prospects of knowing what is to come, there are some situations in which it is best you didn't know what was in store for you! I mean how HARD would it be to throw someone a surprise party!!! So I guess I'll always long for this future sight ability and hope for the best otherwise!

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