Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sherlock Holmes: Dangerously Alluring... indeed it is!

I was at a total loss as to what I should write today, until a phone call at 11:48 am!

Allow me to explain...

On friday evening, on my way home from my internship, like every time I'm on a bus, I was listening to the radio. Now, the entire week the radio station - Radio Indigo had been giving out tickets for the new Sherlock Holmes movie. I had been trying throughout the week, in vain, to get those tickets. Poetically enough, the friday evening show was the last time they were giving them out and, in brief - I won! I was told I'd get a call regarding the details of the tickets and that's your explanation in brief and now to the movie.

First let me tell you, I had been put off this movie because I'd read a review which didn't paint a very pretty picture. I have decided to trust those reviewers no more! However, my cousin and two friends loved it and Robert Downey Jr. is my new Johnny Depp so I was back to wanting to watch the movie. Conclusion - GO WATCH IT!!!

If you are a big Sherlock Holmes fan, in that you've read all the novels and short stories, then MAYBE, you shouldn't watch this. This is nothing like the books. Holmes as created by Arthur Conan Doyle is, in a way, a latent version of the Holmes Robert Downey plays. This Holmes is an unmistakable junkie and quite virile! So, if you're looking for Conan Doyle's work in this, you may not like it. Therefore, I suggest you watch it with just a vague idea of literature's best known detective.

Next, applause to Guy Ritchie. The man is a brilliant director, if you've watched any of his stuff, and loved it, you'll probably love this movie too! I love his camera work in Sherlock Holmes. I think he was the right guy for the job. All hail Guy Ritchie. Which reminds me, watch Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels if you haven't.

Now the actors. Of course Robert Downey (Sherlock Holmes) was just awesome. Now here's the fun part, I've never liked Jude Law (Dr. Watson), but I loved him in this movie. The two of them are so good together, it looks so effortless, there are no words to explain the rapport the two had on screen, you'd have to watch it to get it! The rest of cast was just brilliant to, they facilitated the movie so well! Rachel McAdams, Mark Strong, Eddie Marsan and all the others (don't know their names). Reg Poerscout-Edgerton (the casting director) I salute you, you sort of made all this happen.

This is not mind-blowingly brilliant or Oscar worthy movie, it's just a very well made, witty, adventure movie, which you can watch again and again. It's appealing to me, if you find that sort of stuff appealing then you should watch Sherlock Holmes. So what are you waiting for? Go get tickets for the earliest show!

P.S - If you're wondering about the "dangerously alluring" tagline, apparently that's one of the taglines for the movie and it gave me a good idea for a title, so I used it!

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