Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of you! I know I haven't written in about 6 or 7 months but I sincerely hope to change that.
I'd like to start the new year and new decade with a list of what I think are the best and worst Books, Movies, Music and News of the decade (2000-2009) that has come to an end. I'll give you my top 3 and bottom 3, feel free to express your opinion if you differ from mine!

1. The Kite Runner.
I think this was the best book to come out this decade. It was well written, ethnic and poignant. It was a heart-wrenchingly good book. If you haven't read it, please pick up a copy as soon as you can.

2. Atonement.
In my opinion, this is one of those books that kids will learn Literature as a classic from the early 21st century as we learn Dickens, Tennyson and Jane Austen. It's very well written. To me, it's a novelty in a decade in which the only kind of books that really sell are easy and quick reads.

3. Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince.
You can't deny Harry Potter a position in top books of the decade. Harry Potter wasn't a regular series it was a phenomenon! I chose the sixth book, because out of all the Harry Potters that were published post 2000, this was the best.

1. The White Tiger.
If you like this book, you're an idiot. Seriously. Or you read like you watch T.V - mindlessly! It's incredibly bad and full of factual errors. I fail to understand how it won a Booker Prize.

2. How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, And Got A Life.
Awful. I like my fair share of Chick-Lit but this was mind numbing. And worst of all, those of us who read it contributed to the profit made on this book because of the plagiarism case against it.

3. The Twilight Series.
I couldn't choose which was the worst of all, so I just put the whole series. I'm ashamed to say that I went through a phase of obsession with these books. However on hind-sight, that was certainly a momentary lapse of intellect!

1. The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
They were brilliant. Enough said. May not be as great as the books but the movies were spectacular. Though they are pretty much forgotten nowadays, the trilogy dominated the Oscar scene in the early 2000s

2. The Dark Knight.
The Dark Knight is to the Batman series as Godfather 2 is to the Godfather series. I personally feel Dark Knight deserved a Best Film nomination at the Oscars, especially since the movies that were nominated weren't half as good as Dark Knight.

3. The Departed.
Martin Scorcese finally got that Oscar that eluded him - Best Director. Of course, it's not his best movie but it was good, fast and had a great ending. It deserves to be here.

1. 300.
By a mile, this was the worst movie of the decade. I love action movies, as you can see the movies I picked as best of the decade aren't comedies or chick-flicks. I didn't get the point of men with rock-hard abs wearing nothing but capes and underwear. Also, there was no denying the homo-erotic undertone, which was really weird, Note: Xerxes the Persian king. This movie isn't heroic or about bravery by any stretch.

2. Lady In The Water.
After this movie, I swore never to see an M. Night Shyamalan movie ever again. Which is why, this is my pick for worst movie, because I haven't seen The Village or The Happening. It was all too weird and I still don't understand the movie, and I think I'll leave it that way.

3. Twilight
I don't have a vindictive grudge against this franchise. But I put this movie here because nobody acted well. It was extremely amateur! Once again, I fail to understand how anyone could like this movie.

1. U2.
They've dominated the rock charts for over two decades now. You cannot deny that they can be considered the best band of the decade.

2. Coldplay.
They are alot of people's favourite band and they deserve the fame and love they've got. I hope they're as successful in the new decade.

3. The White Stripes/ Radiohead.
I couldn't decide between the two bands. Rolling Stones says Radiohead has the best album of the decade, I don't agree, but they've contributed alot to the rock of the decade. The White Stripes = just great! Their off beat sound is brilliant and so they are one of the best artists of the decade.

1. Akon.
Why does this man have such a big fan following? Why do people like him? His nasal voice, psuedo "hard life" lyrics, crass references to women's bodies. In a word - terrible.

2. James Blunt.
Do we here about this man who was "oh so popular" 2 or 3 years ago? No! He's a bad artist! That is all!

3. Timbaland
Even I can grunt and say a few words in songs and sell it, if that's all it takes to be a hot selling artist like Timbaland. His popularity is far more than he deserves.

1. Barack Obama Elected As President Of USA.
It was the most landmark thing that happened in the decade. The entire world followed the elections. Obama is the first black President and I don't think any of us thought that would happen.

2. Internet To The Forefront.
2000 brought about the increased popularity of the internet. At the end of the decade I can say, that Internet is almost a essential part of alot of people's lives.

3. No Y2K Crash.
One can say this was good news. The anticipated collapse of all that is technology didn't happen and that's good.

1. Financial Crash.
By far the worst thing to happen this decade. It effected the entire world. 2008 was by far the bleakest year of the decade because of this.

2. President Bush's election to US Presidency.
The spurious manner in which George Bush was elected in 2000 and then all the disaster that followed such as the Iraq War. Definitely one of the worst times in US History.

3. 9/11 Terrorist Attack.
This brought terrorism to the forefront as the world's primary problem. Ever since, there have been attacks all of the world. The 2000s will be seen as the decade in which terrorism rose drastically.

But let's not leave on a negative note. It's a new year and new decade which always means new or renewed hope. Once again, wish you all a Happy New Year and New Decade.

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