Thursday, April 23, 2009

Working out the wireless.

So my last blog entry, gave me some great inspiration on ideas for this blog, it's going to sound stupid when i say it out loud, or in this case write it out. So the inspiration is - happenings from my life. tah dah! This entry, like the last one, is about something that happened... i'm going to stick to the format i used last time.

Let me first introduce the topic to you, about 10 months ago i convinced my mom that it was absolutely necessary to set up a wireless connection in our house. She caved, and we bought a router. But that wasn't in time, for our terribly ancient PC died... i mean literally died because towards the end you had switch it on, wait for it to heat up a bit, switch it off and switch it on again, and finally, one day, it just stopped switching on! Do not judge me by this, i'm a gadget freak it is my parents who keep dragging me down into the stone age. If we have time i'll tell about how long it took me to get them to buy a DVD player! Back to the point, with the PC gone, we (my dad and i) didn't have a computer till my mom bought a new laptop and gave us her old one and the broadband would need to be configured on that before anything could be done about the wireless. 

Eventually we did get the old laptop but one small hitch, the CD drive didn't work (i seriously don't know what my parents do to abuse technology so much!). CD drive not working meant no installation of wireless software. If you're tech savy, you must be thinking "Well use your mom's new laptop to configure wireless and then everything is ok!". I tried that. But the new laptop needed to have broadband configured on it before i could setup the wireless. I'm sorry if i'm confusing you but try and stay with me. 

So in between all the fights i have with my parents about everything, i kept nagging my mom about the wireless. She finally got the computer guy from her office. Finally was today by the way. He came today, ten months later. Well he configured the wireless. Two thumbs up! Then my dad came in.

Dad: What's happening? (you'd think we were setting up the wireless in absolute secrecy)

Me: *look of frustration*

Computer Guy: Yea, it's working now, see.

Dad: Will it work if we take the computer to another room? (i kid you not. He asked this)

Me: Yea!!!

Computer Guy: Yea, yea... it's a wireless signal which is given out and any computer with wireless capabilities will be able to access it. But we've put this complex password so not just anyone can crack it.

Me: Ok good! Thanks

Dad: (not really getting it) yea! thank you!

Exit Computer Guy.

Dad: (opens a browser) It's not working.

Me: Of course you'd say that. (looks at the screen) Get up let me try.

Dad: This was a bad idea it's not working and the guy has gone.

Me: Ssshhhh!

It took me about 10 minutes to figure out what was wrong. After i figured it out

Me: You're not allowed to use this connection, go somewhere else and surf the net.

Dad: What? You found out what's wrong?

Me: YEA!!! The phone line wasn't connected!!!

Dad: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (he was in splits!)

Me: You better be finding another computer to use, i'm not letting you use this one, all your negative talk about technology and fatalistic attitude about the wireless.

Dad: Ah phoo! Go eat your lunch.

After that, he spent an hour not using the laptop in the study, where we usually keep it, but at the Dining Table.