Monday, February 23, 2009

What I Thought Of Oscars '09

It sucked! The one year i was able to watch the oscars from start to finish without having to get ready for school and it sucked! I was totally disappointed and i'll tell you why:

1. Best Film: Why wasn't The Dark Knight recognised as worthy contender for this award??? That movie had everything you could POSSIBLY ASK for in a movie! I know people who normally don't watch Action movies who loved this movie! Slumdog winning is OKAY! It's a good movie, it isn't brilliant and i certainly don't think it deserves such an accolade but then again movies like "Shakespeare In Love" and "Titanic" have won it, so that doesn't say much about the voters!

2.Best Actor: I haven't seen The Wrestler, but i still think Mickey Rourke deserved to win. He swept every other award (except for S.A.G) and SEAN PENN's ALREADY GOT AN OSCAR! Give it to someone else! Yes Sean Penn is an awful lot like Harvey Milk in his mannerisms, but that doesn't beat someone overcoming so many obstacles, making a comeback in the industry and winning every other award! That's a slap on the face!

3. Best Actress: Oh my god! It was so cliched!!! Before the show everyone said Kate Winslet would win and give one of her breathless speeches. Guess what? That's exaclty what happened! Okay, yes she deserves an Oscar, sucks to be nominated 6 times and not win even once. But look at Peter O'Toole, 8 nominations (correct me if i'm wrong) and not one award! The Reader isn't great and i wasn't particularly dazzled by her stoic, proud Nazi German character!

4. Best Foreign Film: Ok so i thought Waltz With Bashir would win. It won at the Golden Globes, and most people thought it would win! Wiki it and read about the movie! It sounds really interesting! I honestly don't know how a movie about a retired musician who becomes an undertaker beats Waltz With Bashir!

Lastly, to all my fellow Indians who are so ecstatic by the Slumdog sweep! Dudes! This is not India's night! The screenplay writer is British, the director is british, the producer is british, the main protagonist is british, i believe that makes it a BRITISH movie! Don't be so delusional! It's ridiculous the way everyone is hyping this win out here in India! You should actually be ashamed of the fact that it took a foreigner to make such honest depiction of India!

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