Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fertile Myrtle...

Hi! It's been too long! 
So I was looking for inspiration because I really need to keep this blog alive!
Last night I did think of something to write, but I can't remember what it was. I went driving with my dad which has scared me to bits!
Anyway... I was reading the newspaper about 20 minutes ago and this really CRAZY story stood out from the rest! It was just down right W-H-A-C-K-O!

The article was one about a women giving birth to octuplets. Ok that's not the freaky part, the freaky part is the fact that she has SIX other kids! SIX!!! 

Six + Eight = FOURTEEN!!!

Not only that, she lives with her parents in a three bedroom house. 

(Fourteen kids + Three adults) / Three bedroom house = One hell of a population density and a hell of a cramped space!

It doesn't end there, the women's mom is really happy to have so many grandchildren. Yea! Wait till she has start changing 8 diapers and feeding 14 growing kids!
The women is a single mom. Dear god! She's a single mom. Someone needs to track down the DAD(S) and atleast palm off some of those kids on him/them, infact if it's just one guy he can take seven and she'll take seven! Or if there are seven dads (0ne for each of the six and one for the octuplets) then each dad can take their kid and an octuplet free! Honestly this sounds like something out of a movie!!!

You must think I'm a cruel, heartless person. But COME ON! It's ridiculous! It supposedly costs 2 million dollars to raise 14 children, just raise them, with food, clothing and education! I dont think this woman has that kind of money! Infact, the article also said that at an early stage the doctors asked her if she'd like reduce the number of kids growing in her and she said NO! I'm not cynical or archaic in my outlook. She can't possibly give equal attention to all 14 kids, some of them are going to gravely suffer from this situation and that's what I am against!
 All I can say is that somebody is really really STUPID! She should get an award for most FERTILE IDIOT in the world!

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