Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I suggest...

OK! I haven't written for a really long time!


Because I had stupid exams to think about, if it wasn't college exams it was a spanish mid-term, if it wasn't spanish it was SAT prep! So, as you see, I've been kind of tied up!

Anyway, I did mention in my previous post that I had a really cool idea for post! Well, first, this is not it and second, I might not write it after all! If I muster up enough confidence in my ability to write... then well, you might be in for something WORTH READING (take note of the MIGHT!)!

Then what is today's post about you ask?

It's about what I suggest you do if you have holidays like I do! 

1) Watch Madagascar 2!
It's a very cool movie! If you liked the first one you will FOR SURE love this one! Sequels almost never work for other movies, but they've pretty much got it spot on with this one! But I warn you if you don't like too much sentiment and only like laughs! This movie has much more depth than the last one! I'm not going to give away any part of it! If you are like one of my friends, and are apprehensive of King Julien not being there... no worries, he's there and funnier than ever, so are the penguins and the two Monkeys! So what are you waiting for! GO WATCH IT!

2) Read Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox!
If you are an Artemis Fowl fan like me, you really don't want to miss this book! Once again Eoin Colfer doesn't fail to give his fans a mind boggling plot which leaves you awestruck and most certainly confused! The beginning is sort of boring! It also is a little odd because you're not reading about the manipulative, deceitful criminal mastermind that we've all come to know and love. Artemis has a sort of shift in character in this book. It might leave you disoriented, but try to get used to it, you don't want to miss the fun stuff! 

Spoiler: A character you least expect comes back!

That's about it I don't have much else to suggest of say right now! At a total loss of words, I just basically needed to update the blog because I hadn't written in ages! That's all! Adios!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My devious little plan!

Evidently I've sub-consciously chosen Wednesdays to be the day of the week that I update my blog! This week isn't like last week where I had a block, in fact I had loads of ideas!

... and today's post isn't one of them! I will write one on Sunday! My dad has unintentionally given me a new angle to look at it from... so I'm looking forward to doing that!

Anyway so back to the topic at hand. So I have an English exam tomorrow and I'm partially prepared. Firstly, because I have done English of much higher standards while in school (Eliot, Wilde, Yeats, Keats, Auden, Hughes, etc...) and this is just a farce! Secondly, I don't feel the need to please my professor or be a shining student! Thirdly, the lessons are just crap!

For the last 3 days I've been generously giving my time to inconsequential things like watching T.V and surfing the net and watching T.V online! But at some point you've really got to study! One can't fail and look like an ass when English is your forte so to speak! So, quite grudgingly, I picked up my book and began to read the lessons, missing my 11th and 12th grade Optional English classes...

... and then I had this brain-wave!

Why not piss off the examiner! What's there to lose? I'm not going to do well anyway because we've all been told we can't possibly get good marks! So what I'm doing now is finding out all this vague information on each of the authors so that I not only have stuff to write during my paper but also sound totally pretentious and really piss them off! I used to do this for Optional English, except there, my teacher really loved it when you did that!

I know this sounds risky and acting egoistical might cost me the few marks I could get. But look at it from my point of view - English is my best subject, it always has been and I know that I will not do well tomorrow merely because I cannot dumb down to the level they expect me to (trust me. I'm not acting cocky! They really do have low standards, my English teacher says things like "Don't get the BORING with Grammar"). So what I'm actually doing is trying to give the best I can, but I know they'll think I'm way to pretentious. 

But honestly, I'm not pretentious! I just have higher standards than the drab, laid back college that I go to!